Good Stuff
I think this is a good thing to use to get more people into your stuff. It worked for me anyway. I'm gonna check out some of your series flashes and thanx for using my audio. Later.
Good Stuff
I think this is a good thing to use to get more people into your stuff. It worked for me anyway. I'm gonna check out some of your series flashes and thanx for using my audio. Later.
Best Sprite Flash In Awhile
And I've made a few lol. Anyway this was awesome. Looking forward to the next one. The only thing I would change is that annoying noise it makes every single time you press the go button for dialogue. Other than that it's great.
I've sort of labeled you as my NG rival lol. I like a lot of your music and so I submitted mine to see how we compared. I have a track that I think would work well in a "Fallout" situation (I loved the games as well and still play them a lot). The sound is called "Desert Sands" by Whack-a-mole (me). Oh yeah and check out some of my flashes as well lol. This was a really good entry for your first and I think they'll just get better from here. I'll check on ya every once in awhile to see if anymore of this series is submitted. Later.
Well you see, im still kind of... havent done it for a while... dont take this as a... dont worry... still... series....newground is....popups...trying to create...cookie... *runs off*
That was so crappy it was awesome. The commercial for the x-boy was great. I like link's cameo too.
Ok this review is for the other one I got em mixed
Anyway, the second one wasn't as good as the first so apply this review to the continuation and the cont's reveiw for this one. Sorry bout the mixup. Good job though.
Man I wasn't sure what to expect from the reviews and the score...but this was really good. Thanx for using my audio too! Anyway I'm gonna go watch the second half. Keep it up.
I liked it
This was a good poem. I'm gonna check out bif naked and see what it's all about. Also, I recently submitted a serious flash that your Hellsent series helped inspire (along with other abstract sources). It would be really cool if you could watch it and tell me what you think. I pay homage to your series at the end to let people know I wasn't trying to copy your stuff. Later.
cheers once again will.. im gonna go now and see wot it i your doing, if the internet will allow me to
This couldn't have taken you more than an hour tops.
Age 39, Male
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Valdosta State
Valdosta, GA
Joined on 6/13/03